Saturday, February 14, 2009


Ok, so here we are-- Valentine's Day. Many of you may call it by its pseudonym, Singles Awareness Day. Yes we're single. Yes we're aware. That is precisely why we ended up in the beer aisle of the fine establishment known to the layperson as Kroger. 

I'll admit, we were looking to get drunk, but not that drunk drunk where you feel like you're falling into a pit of despair (alcohol is a depressant, you know). We were aiming at more of the drunk where everything is a little bit more bearable (including our single status). 

But I digress, we perused Kroger's vast selection. As college students, we have had our share of Bud Light, Natty Ice, and Keystone (never bitter!) through various extracurricular activities known as beer pong, flip cup, beer die, and shotgunning. So, we decided to venture off the beaten path. 

After walking up and down the aisle as many times as Angelina has signed adoption papers, we settled on Anchor Steam and Sweetwater 420. We chose Sweetwater because it is brewed fairly locally by our neighbors down 316. What's up ATL? Anchor Steam was chosen for other clandestine reasons some organization(s) may not condone our disclosure. 

I'm not going to lie, we Googled our choices.  This is what we learned: Anchor Steam is from San Francisco and some people can taste a cantaloupe under-tone... We couldn't. Somewhere during that first beer, we both discussed how much we love to learn. So, that's where we got the idea to start this blog. Now that we both have made it to our 21st birthdays without arrest warrants, we decided to shed the crappy beers with our underage statuses. We also made the resolution to learn as much as possible about this new world of lager before we graduate. After all, after graduation what we do will be diagnosed as alcoholism. 

So, four beers and 45 minutes into "Must Love Dogs," we find ourselves enjoying our beer and still clueless about "judging" a beer. We'll have to get back to you on the technical aspects of tonight's selections. We'll leave you with this: we enjoyed Sweetwater more than Anchor Steam. Also, the $3.00 investment toward the impulse purchase Hawaiian shirt koozie was totally worth it. 

We invite you to join us as we become beer connoisseurs. We welcome your comments, feedback, and suggestions. I mean, we are just two college students on a beer exploration.

Thanks and Happy Valentine's Day, 

The Beer Babes

P.S. Oh, and in case you were wondering, "Must Love Dogs" is now bearable.